single source responsibility

One-stop shopping. Single-source responsibility. Today’s customers demand the ability to issue one purchase order and have one qualified contract manufacturer take a program from start to finish. This gives the customer, in today’s rapidly changing marketplace, the ability to focus on their core business instead of spending unnecessary time managing supply chain issues.
Whatever your project demands, it is very likely Gupta has the in-house or outsourced capability to supply your product complete, and ready-to-assemble right out of the box.
Our value-added services include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Anodizing: Plain, Colored, Hard-Coat, etc.
- Chromate
- Chemical Film
- Iridite
- Electroless Nickel on Aluminum
- Triple Chrome Plating (Cu-Ni-Cr)
- Black Oxide
- CNC Machining
- Welding (MIG and TIG)
- Hipping
- Brazing
- Stamping & Marking
- Heat Treating
- Tempering
- Annealing
Product Finishing
- Mechanical Polishing
- Buffing
- Vibratory Finishing
- Powder-Coating
- Wet Painting
- Peening
- Shot Blasting
- Sand Blasting
- Glass Bead Blasting
- Silk Screening
- E-Coating
- Parts Washing
Testing & Verification
- Pressure-Testing
- Vacuum Impregnation
- Resistivity Testing
- Balancing
- X-ray NDT
- Die Penetrate Testing
- CMM Dimensional Reporting
- Mechanical Property Testing
- Chemistry Testing
- Alloy Compliance
- Electro-mechanical
- Kitting
- Specialized Packaging
- JIT Warehousing